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Far from just being “little adults,” children possess a developmentally unique way of understanding their world and their place in it. When they are struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues, it is important that therapy adapt to their developmental level and “speak their language”. 

Child and Therapist

Playing with children in therapy is to children what talk therapy is

to adults. Play is a child’s language. In the "Kid's Zone", toys, games,

activities, and creating art is used like words. They can use dolls, puppets, paints, or other toys to say what they think or how they feel.


Many times difficult things happen in life and even the adults involved have difficulty understanding or explaining the events or their feelings about the events. It is easy to see why children, who lack the verbal skills of an adult, find it even more difficult. Playing, creating art, or journaling allows them the opportunity to work through, heal, and move past the difficult times in their lives. 


Parents Play a Vital Role in Children's Therapy

Quality Time

You are an integral part of your child’s time at Alphabet Shuffle, LLC. Ideally, we want you in therapy sessions together! Together, we become a team focused on helping your child build or strengthen relationships; resolve conflict; express feelings in healthy ways; reduce anxiety; learn about the brain, body, and emotions; feel safer and more confident in themselves and in the world; and practice regulation skills.

Sometimes, a prerequisite to this work is helping parents build their comfort level with play and emotion and explore the dynamics of their feelings of connection to their child. Family therapy sessions may also be helpful in addressing your child's difficulties within the larger dynamic of the family. In situations where a parent can't be in session with their child, perhaps due to childcare needs, we schedule parent sessions on a regular basis in the office or via video conference to discuss progress and suggestions for how to support your child at home. Ideally, therapy with children is a true team effort consisting of child, parent, and therapist jointly working together. 

What To Expect With Your Child's Visit

A pleasant, comfortable first visit builds trust and helps put the child at ease during future visits. We

want your child to enjoy getting to know our staff, so we work hard to establish this bond during every appointment to our office.


During your initial appointment to discuss your child, we ask that he/she does not accompany you. At this appointment, we will explain everything in detail and answer any questions you may have. The information discussed, will not be repeated to your child. Without you first seeing Sherry, she will be unable to meet with your child.  We look forward to meeting you and your child and providing the quality, comprehensive care you expect and deserve.


To make an appointment or for inquiries, please call our office at (906) 424-4476. You may also press the "contact us" link to email the office.


Contact Us

Main line: 906.424.4476   

Text line: 715.330.2291

Fax line: 906.424.4480

805 1st Street
Menominee, MI  49858

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